Creating reading lists and ensuring they adhere to necessary copyright requirements for use can be an exhausting task for both librarians and faculty. There are also a number of common issues around how lists are created and the resources that are included in them, often making this task far more difficult than it need be.
We at eReserve noticed something needed to be done, which is why we’ve created an easy-to-use product that can help solve some of the most frustrating issues experienced by staff on either side of the reading list creation process. Let’s take a look at some of the problems these individuals face and how we help solve them.
Faculty spend too much of their time at the start of each semester ensuring the materials they have are up-to-date.
1. The time spent creating and updating reading lists
The amount of time spent creating reading lists still proves to be a major hindrance in the efficient workflow of faculty. For faculty, possessing knowledge of materials used in their taught subject is simply no longer enough. The internet presents a constantly evolving and changing wealth of information.
This forces faculty to spend a larger amount of time at the start of each semester ensuring the materials they have are up-to-date and their use meets copyright requirements. To provide the highest level of education to their students, teachers need to be able to offer the most relevant information. However, ensuring copyright compliance translates to more work for librarians, the ones who often have to process and approve the reading lists before the start of the semester.
Speaking to any librarian or teacher will tell you creating reading lists takes more time than many would expect. It can take many days or even weeks for reading lists to be submitted, reviewed and approved, the stress of creating them accurately and ensuring copyright approval can be taxing.
2. Limited resources can lead to frustration
While the compilation of reading lists requires ongoing effort, with faculty changing or amending lists on a regular basis, the limited resources available to all staff can create bigger problems. An automated system like eReserve Plus compiles all information in a single repository, reducing the time, effort and stress placed on staff and resources.

Faculty no longer have to undertake busy work compiling their reading lists and librarians won’t need to spend inordinate amounts of time to ensure texts can be approved, pass copyright and can be used. The importance of accurate and approved reading lists is also vital for students. Not every student will have the capability to purchase a number of prescribed texts, so creating a list that is both concise and copyright compliant is crucial to ensuring the quality and effectiveness of their education.
How does eReserve Plus solve these reading list and copyright issues?
With eReserve Plus, we add flexibility and speed into your existing processes. eReserve Plus has very high standards for metadata and provides unparalleled accuracy in literature, documents, individual chapters of compilations and more. In fact, with our powerful eReserve plus solution, over 70 per cent of reading requests are automatically approved, with no manual intervention – and this makes everyone’s lives easier.
Want to find out more about eReserve Plus?
Our highly automated management and copyright reporting system enables librarians and faculty to create and approve reading lists in a fraction of the time. Once your systems are automated using eReserve Plus, staying on top of reading materials and legal obligations is a breeze.
If you’d like to discover more about what we at eReserve can do for you, get in touch with our team today.